Check These Things First. Then, Call Us.
Sometimes, you can avoid having to spend money for an air conditioning repair by doing a little air conditioning troubleshooting on your own! In this blog post, we go through some simple fixes that most homeowners can fix on their own. Here are two types of calls we receive and some of our suggestions. If these don't work, please don't hesitate to call our office and schedule a Diagnostic Service Call.
The thermostat is blank / My thermostat isn't operating at all!
- Check the float switch near the bottom of your indoor unit. Remove the top of the switch and see if water is present in the switch. If so, then a blocked condensate drain line is the most likely cause. You may use a wet/dry vacuum to clear the blockage by attaching it to the drain outside. Then, use the vacuum to remove the water from the switch. We still recommend that you contact a professional so that they can properly clean the drain line and the condensate pan, and they can check for other problems before they spiral out of control.
- Check the circuit breakers for any that have tripped. To reset, push the breaker all the way to the off position and then back on. If they trip again, do not continue attempting to reset them as this is a sign of a more serious issue.
- Look for disconnects near the indoor unit that may be turned off. Many systems have disconnects that look very much like a common light switch.
- Look for places where the control (thermostat) wire may have been damaged by a lawnmower or other lawn maintenance near the outside unit. This is very common and usually results in a blown low voltage fuse.
My air conditioner is running inside and out, but no cold air (or very little) is blowing!
- Look for signs of ice forming on the large insulated line coming out of the indoor unit. You may also see ice forming on the lines of the outdoor A/C unit. If so, first check your air filter; remove it if it is filthy. Shut the system off with the fan in the ON position at the thermostat. Place towels around the indoor unit, as it may leak water as the system defrosts. Do not install a new filter for at least 4hrs, as the indoor coil will need time to defrost completely. Once the system has fully thawed, it is safe to install a new filter and run the system.
- If the frost returns, we highly recommend that you contact a professional for a service call as soon as you notice the frost. A professional repair can reduce the chance of water damage and reoccurring problems.
Don't just take our word for it. Check here for's suggestions for common air conditioner problems and air conditioning troubleshooting.
So, there you have it. If we can be of any assistance, or if your air conditioning troubleshooting isn't helping the problem, please don't hesitate to call our office at (352) 243-7088!
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